What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea? Do I have it?
Do you suffer from sleep apnea? In the past, treatment for sleep apnea has been limited to painful, irreversible surgery and obtrusive CPAP masks and machines. We now offer a conservative, non-invasive treatment option for your sleep apnea.
A custom-designed oral appliance from Circle C Dental can help you breathe easier by opening up the air passage. Oral appliances work by pushing the lower jaw forward or preventing the tongue from blocking the airway, allowing you to breathe more easily during sleep. Benefits may include reduced snoring and more restful sleep.
Oral appliances are a great option for those suffering from mild sleep apnea, however, oral appliances can also be effective for those with moderate to severe sleep apnea. Whatever the case, Circle C Dental can help you find a solution for your sleep apnea that is comfortable and effective for you.
Please contact our South Austin dentist team to learn more. Contact us today or call us at 512-301-2483 to request a consult on how to sleep better, have more energy and enjoy life more!!
Sleep Apnea Health Effects
Here’s some more info from a handout that Dr. Pham created for patients to learn more about sleep apnea.
Are you tired all the time? Can’t sleep? Tried a CPAP machine & hate it? Spouse complains you snore too loud?
The American College of Physicians reports that 80-90% of people with sleep apnea are un-diagnosed, and a recent Swedish study reports 50% of women have mild-to-severe sleep apnea. If you are tired all the time, sleep physically for 8-9 hours and still feel tired, fall asleep often including while driving, feel irritable very often, snore very loudly and/or gasp for air during sleep, then you very likely have sleep apnea.
What is sleep apnea?
Sleep apnea is a condition where your body physically stops breathing during sleep. The most common form is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) where your airway physically closes & stops your breathing. Snoring very loudly is a common symptom.
Why is sleep apnea important to diagnose and treat?
• Increased risk of heart attack by 400-800% depending on study
• Increased risk of high blood pressure leading to increased risk of heart disease and artery calcifications
• Increased risk of depression by 40%
• Increased risk of death in sleep by 200%
• Increased risk of motor vehicle accident by 700%.
How is sleep apnea diagnosed?
Sleep apnea is diagnosed with a sleep study. You visit a sleep study center and they evaluate your sleep. Your sleep study will tell you how restful your sleep is and provide you with an AHI score which tells you how often you stop breathing for at least 10 seconds per hour. Some people with severe sleep apnea have an AHI score of over 100!
How can we treat you if you have sleep apnea?
If you lay back and move your jaw forward, you will notice it is easier to breathe and also more difficult to snore. If your sleep study shows you have mild to moderate OSA, then we can treat you with a mouthpiece that gently advances your jaw forward, which in turn will decrease your snoring greatly and most importantly, allow you to breathe more freely, reducing or eliminating sleep apnea.
If your sleep apnea is severe, we can refer you to excellent sleep physicians or ENTs. Treatment for sleep apnea is important to your overall health & can save your life. You can dramatically improve your lifestyle with accurate diagnosis and treatment.